Thursday 5 April 2018

Corporate Social Responsibility

Bildergebnis für csrHey guys,
We have recently been talking about CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility – at school. CSR is how companies manage their business processes to produce an overall positive impact on society. It covers sustainability, social impact and ethics. In our last English lesson, we listened to six entrepreneurs giving their opinion on this topic. I thought you might be interested in CSR because.
Basically, what the speakers say is, that CSR can have many positive impacts on a company and in their opinion, it is important to want to be social responsible because it is mentioned that in the past a few consumers questioned this topic arguing that the entrepreneurs just want to improve their public image. It is also mentioned that companies which are social responsible are attractive to employees. But one entrepreneur argued that CSR is not for every company because some businesses are just not prepared to deal with social issues. Moreover, it is a cost to the business to handle social issues in the society and it also means that there is a lot of additional work for the employees.
I think that Austrian business people would give similar answers and statement on this polarizing topic because Corporate Social Responsibility is very necessary in today’s modern age also beyond the EU. Well, I think that donating money to NGOs and using fair trade products is the first step to be social responsible but make sure that your company is prepared for a change.

 What do you think about being social responsible. Tell me in the comment section below.

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