Monday 9 January 2017

My Christmas Holidays

Dear Naresh,

First of all you should know that we already had our Christmas holidays in Austria. I decided to let you know about them.

The first day in the holiday was Christmas. At the beginning of this day I was only sleeping because I went clubbing the day before. At Christmas Eve me and my family we ate a lot of traditional Austrian food - cooked by my mum. When it was about 8 p.m. we went to our Christmas tree in the living room. By the way, a Christmas tree is a part of celebrating Christmas in Austria. It was decorated really by my sister and it looked extremly nice. Of course I got a lot of gifts for example a piano which I wanted to have the entire life.
Bildergebnis für silvesterA few days later we went skiing to Schladming in Styria. But the weather was really bad. It was snowing all the time so you could definately not see anything and it was extremely cold at the top of the mountain. Me and my friends were happy when we went back home and nobody wasn't injured.
I celebrated the last day of the year 2016 with my best friends in Perg. We shot a lot of rockets and we also were outside in the garden exactly at midnight so we could see the fireworks in Perg.
The rest of the holidays in 2017 were a little bit boring because I was ill.

I hope I could give you enough information about my Christmas holidays.


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