Friday 16 January 2015

My room

Hey guys,
Last English lesson at school we were talking about our rooms so I want to give you some information about my new room.
A few weeks ago I got my sister's old room because she moved out so she does not live in my familie's house any more.
I got a new one because my old room was a bit childish and I think it is too small for me.

I can't put pictures there because it's not finished. In my room there is a bed which is fortunately definately bigger than my old one. I need a bigger bed because when I sleep I often move, that means I sometimes fell out of mey old bed. And that hurts :D
On one side of the wall there is a 4 meters long stone-wallpaper. If you look on this wallpaper you think it's real. The other walls are coloured in light green. Perhaps I could add some pictures of my new room when it's finished.

Thank you for reading my blog!
Bye, your Simon!