Wednesday 29 November 2017

Thanksgiving & Black Friday

Hey Guys!
Some days ago, I was watching a YouTube-video titled “The story of Thanksgiving” and it talks about how Thanksgiving has originated. I thought you might be interested in this blog because Thanksgiving took place last Thursday and Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving was a very hot topic this year.

Bildergebnis für hässlicher truthahnThis holiday has a long history, which started in 1620 when the Pilgrims arrived and settled in the state of Massachusetts. Their first winter in America was hard to survive. They arrived too late to farm the land, so they starved. Half of the colony died from disease. The following spring the local tribe of Native Americans taught them how to grow cornand other crops. In the autumn of 1621 the Pilgrims got a rich harvest of corn, beans, pumpkin and other vegetables. The first Thanksgiving was held 1621 and was a three-day feast.Of course,  they praised the Lord, and thanked him for all the food he gave them. This is how the festivity got started.

Now Thanksgiving is an official holiday in the United States and it is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. The day after this feast is called Black Friday and it is the beginning of the country’s Christmas shopping season. Black Friday is generally perceived to be one of the largest major American holiday shopping days for the retail industry, and is the day that most retailers become profitable for the year

Thank you for reading this blog!

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