Thursday 6 November 2014

Guy Fawkes Day

Hey guys,

Today at school we talked about the Guy Fawkes Day. So let me give you some information about it.
The British people celebrate the Guy Fawkes Day at the 5th of November every year.
Why do they celebrate this day?
The British celebrate Guy Fawkes Day in memory of an unsuccessful plot to blow up the King and Parliament in 1605. The terrorist's name was Guy Fawkes. That's is the reason for the name of Guy Fawkes Day.
What do they now when they celebrate it?
The children make figures out of rags or old clothes and display them in the street. They call out, Penny for a guy and collect money from passers-by. They mostly spend it on fireworks. The celebraring people burn the guy on a bonfire of leaves and garden rubbish. They roast poatoes and sausages too.

This is a picture of Guy Fawkes 

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